Wednesday 27 January 2010

my elbow hurts

Sometimes, I get myself into sticky situations.
They are quite often quite ridiculous, which is why most people know about them soon after they happen.

Yesterday is a perfect example of this.

I was using my laptop on my bed when I knocked my unbelievably tiny handphone behind it. There's a small gap between the headboard and the mattress. The phone disappeared quickly.

Of course the first way I tried to reach is was from the side.

But the thing was waaaay too deep in. So I got up onto the bed and stuck my arm in behind the mattress and the headboard. The same way the phone fell behind the bed.
Getting TO the phone was easy. My weight was enough to squish the mattress enough to make room for my arm.

BUT my mattress is really quite firm and teamed up with the headboard to clamp my arm at the elbow.
After a few valiant yet fruitless attempt to free myself, I called Rach because I was losing the feeling in my fingers and my arm was tingling and I was freaking out.

She offered to turn her car around to bust in and help me out, which is when I told her that my door was locked and the only key was in my room with me.
I told Cheryl about this part:

Amanda Shiew: but then i told her that my door was locked and the only key was in my room
Amanda Shiew: awesome
cheryl d'souza: how do you get yourself into these situations?
Amanda Shiew: it's a talent, i think
cheryl d'souza: well, in that case, well done
Amanda Shiew: thanks

Rach tried keeping me calm and kept giving me new suggestions to get out after the last one didn't work.
I kept asking if I could cut my arm off.

Way to be helpful.

I don't think you understand how painful it was.

Eventually, I found a way to manoeuvre (how weird is the spelling of that word?!?) myself so that I could apply enough weight to squeeze it out.
It was such a relief.
Rach made me check that everything was still in working order (which it was).
Then we hung up.

I was on the phone for seven and a half minutes. I was stuck for eight and a half.

Now, my elbow is seriously bruised. You can't see it. But I can feel it. Oh, I can feel it.

So yeah. Sticky situations. They be my thing.

Hope you've had a great Wednesday.


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