Friday 5 March 2010

the metaphor game: chair edition

Hey there, blog.

I've had a mad day. It was great though. I'm super exhausted.

If you're observant, you'll notice that I missed the 4th March on my blogroll. Now, this is not entirely true because I have yet to sleep today.
TECHNICALLY, it is the fifth already, but because I haven't slept since the third, I don't consider this the fifth yet.

Lunch at delicious with most of the Motley Crew. Lunch with these people is dangerous, man. Because, right, you set out to eat with a budget and certain amount in mind and you end up blowing it just because everyone at the bloody table is an enabler.

My lunch was supposed to be light and full of vegetables.

It ended in pavlova.

Can anybody say fail?


Anyway, we had a brilliantly long conversation about the kinds of chairs we were. Don't give me a weird look yet, let me explain. You know how those weird internet quizzes ask you questions about yourself and then come to the conclusion that you are a certain object or what not?
It was like one of those. Minus the quiz and internet part.

I'd like to call it the metaphor game.

I have yet to tell any one of them this. OH WELL. What a shame they are missing out on this fun.

We also went around the table trying to decide what OTHER name would suit our faces. I think we spent the most time on Cheryl, who ended up being a Dianna.
Sna got Jasmine, Jit got Daniel, Pan got Sally/Tiffany and I got Michelle.

Funny story is that whenever someone forgets my name and calls me something else, it is Michelle. This has happened more than one time and I cannot explain why.
It just does.

Tonight, Cheryl, Dickie, Sna and I went on an adventure to KLpac. Of course, we got lost in the rain in the middle of traffic. OF COURSE. But by the time we figured it out and got there, we had plenty of time to lounge and drink coffee like the posh people we are.

Actually, we mostly chugged it like barbarians.


We went to watch Bernarda Alba which is on till this Sunday the 7th March.


Please, if you get the chance, do go and give it a watch. It was surprisingly mind blowingly awesome. Really really good stuff.

Getting home real late sealed my fate today which is why I am still awake at this hour.
Because I haven't been home these past two days, I haven't seen either of my brothers. I saw Alex briefly yesterday, but that's about it. I haven't seen Adam at all.
Yeah. Anyway. My plan is to stay up until sixish so that I can wish Alex a happy birthday. Then, I am going to sleep and not waking up till I absolutely have to at noon.

Yes, that is the plan.


I am tired.



P.S. I like y'all and all, right. But I don't have the attention span or focus to colour this now. I'll do it when I wake up later.


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