Sunday 7 March 2010

the book of rooms


There is a little brown notebook that I carry with me to school. It's called the book of rooms. I'm trying to pass it around so people can doodle in it to have some fun. I doodle in it too.

The first question people ask is why it's called the book of rooms.

There are two answers to that question. The first is a waffly answer that I think is super fun to expand on and the second is closer to the truth.

a) Each page will have something different on it. That something different represents a room in the doodler's mind. Also, each page provides room for whatever doodles one should choose.

b) It sounds cool.

I'd love to show you pictures and stuff and stuff, but I'm SO tired.

AND I promised someone I'd sleep earlyish tonight.

So I'll see you soon.



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