Monday 8 February 2010

raisin: the new cheeseburger

Do you need me as much as I need you?



This morning, I woke up so tired that I felt like the only solution to the problem was to stay in bed and not get up for another week.
I felt like a ZOMBIE.


That is a drooling zombie.
It is drooling because zombies are dead and therefore have no control over their jaws or salivary glands.

But I felt much better after breakfast, a cancelled law class and a can of red bull.

I had a good day, I think.

At one point I managed to spray the back of my shorts with water.
I know.
I am insanely talented.

So I had to walk from KE all the way to Wisma. For those of you that don't know, that's about a 200-300m walk. In the open.
With a HUGE wet patch on my butt.

At first I was kind of self conscious about it. My shorts were light grey and the patch really showed up dark on them. But then I got tired of being conscious about it and was all,
"You know what? Wet or dry, a butt's still a butt."
I said that out loud. Like, really loud. Sna heard me and said,
"Huh. That makes sense."


Then my butt dried. It was still a butt.

End of story.

Hope you are all well.



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