Wednesday 21 April 2010


Hello doofufus.

Today's YOUR birthday. Gosh. Six days is NOT ENOUGH for me to gloat about the fact that I am older than you.

You know what's funny?

I always get crapsticks for being younger than the rest of the crew at school and everyone seems to forget that YOU ARE YOUNGER THAN ME.

My mahm says I shouldn't use caps so much because it's unbecoming.

I didn't tell her that you're partly at fault for teaching me how to use it so frequently. OH WELL. She'll read this and then know. Then she can blame you.

*awkward pause*

*pokes boob*

ANYWAY, I hope today was a good day for you. We didn't really get to celebrate properly last year, so I hope this one makes up for it. :)

Happy Happy Birthday. Big, ticklish, armpit hugs.

Much love from your *special* friend.


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