Sunday, 22 November 2009

hi there. can you stop making completely ridiculous and inappropriate advances on my friend? yeah, thanks.

"So what are YOU gonna wear?"

"I'll go nude. I'll go nude, so they can all see my cellulite."

". . ."



Hello. I am taking a coursework break because my brain is slowly being baked like the pizza I burned a couple weeks ago.
That was a gastronomy fail. Fail fail.


I had a good day. Very chill. Got work done. Was nice. :)


[2:42:09 PM] Amanda Shiew: my phone's t9 spells 'protego'
[2:42:15 PM] Amanda Shiew: i think it is a wizard
[2:42:28 PM] cheryl d'souza: IT MUST BE
[2:42:32 PM] cheryl d'souza: it's a shape shifter
[2:42:34 PM] cheryl d'souza: a biggart
[2:42:36 PM] cheryl d'souza: BOGGARY
[2:42:39 PM] cheryl d'souza: BOGGART!
[2:46:35 PM] Amanda Shiew: THERE YOU GO

haha. so. much. fun.


Today was a good hug day.

I am jacked up on coffee.




I've added a bunch of links to blogs I read and sites I troll under the Cbox. Mostly because I am lazy and want a quick and easy way to get to them. You guys could use the list too, if you like. :)
Also, if you have a blog and I have neglected to include it, please berate me and send me the link ASAP.


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