Wednesday, 17 October 2007

State of Mind.

Right people. Listen up, this is kinda new to some of you people.

The power of your state of mind. (Yes this blog is supposed to be random and stuff, but some of you need to be exposed to these things. Now.)

So yeah. Your state of mind greatly affects everything around you. This, to some, may seem proposterous, but guess what...I'M. NOT. WRONG. Lets start with a simple situation:

Let's just say you had a really bad day at school. Your project got pigeon-pooed on in the morning, you got in trouble for something you didn't do (and I'm not talking about homework, cuz if that's the case, you deserve it), the teachers dump a whole load of work on you and worst of all, your friends decide that they wanna pick on you. By the end of the day, you are gonna feel really crappy.
So what do you do?? You bask in it. You drown yourself in your own sorrow. You get home and mope. By the time you are half finished moping, you realise that you can't get all your work done. So you go to school the next day and the cycle starts all over again.
You lose confidence. You lose friends. You eventually become a loner with no direction. Why? Simple. You are too busy feeling sorry for yourself.

You can see that this will get you nowhere and will pull you back from your full potential. The example I used above is pretty extreme, but you get the point I am trying to put across right? I mean, even the smallest thing can start you on something like this.

Look, at the 'motivational' camp I attended, they stressed on this point. We even had an activity on it.

They would get us to lie on the floor and would tell us that we are 'steel rods', strong rods of steel that can withstand anything. As they continued repeating utterances of us being solid and strong, the rest of our group would lift us up and place us between two chairs. Our head on one, feet on the other. Guess what happened next. They got people to sit on us. That's right. They had people sitting on our midsections for a good few seconds. If in the right state of mind, we wouldn't feel a thing.

See? This how it goes. Sometimes, I see people putting themselves down and being pessimistic and whiny about certain situations. I feel like giving them tight slaps across the faces.

Wake up people. We are old enough not to have people reassuring us all the time. Your perception on life is ultimately dependent on how your state of mind is. This is why I'm not sick. (Another example) No doubt that William has been hacking his lungs out and spreading germs everywhere, but see this? I'm not sick. You know why? Cuz I told myself I wouldn't get sick. That I was immune to it. It's not that hard. It's a matter of believing yourself and staying in the right state of mind.

You just have to focus.

P.S - In Lesley's case, you have to fooooooohhhhhh-cusss!! [you know what goes here]

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