Saturday, 27 October 2007

Labels Suck.

Hi people. I'm back with one of those entries that you KNOW you love.

The topic is kinda obvious [look up].

Right. SO labels. What are they?? They are basically made for the sole purpose of classifying something. Or in this case...someone.

I find that people tend to label themselves and others WAAAY too often nowadays. Is it necessary? Uh...I don't think so. I think that most of it is due to insecurity. Due to the fact that they need a security blanket (label) to hide under. They basically tell the world that they are a certain way. Don't they wanna have their own person?? I know I rather would.

Oh wait. That's right, Amanda. How could you be so dumb? There are DIFFERENT types of labels.

Sheesh. Get a life. They are all the same.

Look. You get those sterotypes:
- Dumb Jock
- Band Geek
- Nerd
- Bitchy Cheerleader
- Dumb Blonde

The list goes on and on. But do you know whom these labels are for?? Let me show you:
- Dumb Jock -Someone who is good at sports
- Band Geek - A skilled musician
- Nerd - Someone who gets higher marks than you because they actually have a plan for their future
- Bitchy Cheerleader - Someone who is waaaaay more flexible and most likely, lighter than you
- Dumb Blonde - Someone who had the 'misfortune' of being born with blonde hair

Looks a lot dumber now huh?

And how about this:

Insecure 1: Hey!
Insecure 2: Hey! Did you have a good time at the party?
Insecure 1: Yeah! I met a load of people. One of them was even gay!

Sound familiar? Well, look how idiotic it seems if we turn the tables:

Bob: Hey!
Jim: Hey! Did you have a good time at the party?
Bob: Yeah! I met a load of people. One of them was even straight!

Uh...riiight. I that makes A LOT of sense...

See how dumb it is when you get down to the center of it all? People should be classified as people. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. I mean yeah, you can stay away from people labelled 'axe murderer' I guess, but maybe you should rethink with the whole stereotyping people.

And get to know them before you even THINK of calling them dumb.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.