Tuesday 18 May 2010


Today, I was eating dinner with Mahm and Alex. Adam had already finished his, but was still scrounging for food.

Junk food.

So naturally, he was denied it. But boy is that kid persistant.

"Mahm, can I have Olleos?" (Olleos = Oreos)


"How about potato chips?"

"You already ate half the packet, I think that's enough."

"Well, I only had foh Olleos today."

"No, Adam. If you're still hungry, you can have more vegetables."

This is the part where he started sulking. It is important to note that he was looking in the snack cupboard when he was making his requests. After being denied the deliciousness, he did not stop looking longingly into it.

After about two minutes straight of him not moving from the cupboard, I knew what he was doing. I had two options. I took the one that would make me laugh the hardest.

I quickly swallowed my food, got off my chair, ran and jumped onto the cleared worktop - right into his face. I then grinned evilly,

"Uh oh. I think someone's been caught with their hand in the cookie jar!"

Sure enough, Adam had been sneakily trying to get Oreos out of the packet without drawing any attention towards himself. Little pig.
He looked horrified.

I laughed out loud before saying,

"You know you're the first kid to be caught red-handed."

"I never got caught." Alex said from the table.

"Me neither." I hopped down from the worktop.

"Adam, I said no." mahm said calmly, still eating.

Adam didn't move from where he was. I had sat back down, but after a minute of solid rustling, I jumped up again.

"Dude. You are gonna be so fried if you don't stop."

So then he tottered off to the fridge area. Again, he was gone for a bit when he walked past the table again, all shifty eyed and what not.



"Adam, what did you take?" mahm SO knew he was lying. "Open your mouth."

He did.

"See, no one trusts you anymore."

I was in stitches by this point. I was finding this so very funny. Alex too was sniggering from his seat. Mahm was trying to be diplomatic, but she was smiling.

"It's in his right hand." I said.

"Show me." Mahm can be very demanding.

"It's juss dis." Adam held up two bright orange objects.

"This is play-doh." Mahm sounded incredulous. "NO WAIT, THEY'RE BALLOONS."

Adam looked at her blankly. Of course it had to be me to break the silence.

"You were gonna eat



The poor child, starving to the point of depending on latex for nutrition...


Hope you are all well and have been fooding on healthier things. Balloons have absolutely NO fibre. Tsk tsk.


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