Saturday, 9 February 2008

Life is like a pen

I'm sure, that by now, you have already figured out that there is no going back. Once it happens, it happens and that's it.

Like when you write an essay, and you make a mistake. You can cross out the offending word and replace it with the correct one. But that scribble across the word won't make it go away. In most cases, even if the word is disregarded, it is still read.

Life is the same way.

We all make mistakes, and the only way to correct them is to make up for them with subsequent actions. We can't get into a time machine and redo everything. People will still see our mistakes. They will still see our flaws. There isn't a way to hide them.

So why dwell on what has happened in the past? It's a matter of putting it behind you and keeping focused on the future. What are you gonna write next? What's in store in the next chapter of your life?

Whenever we make mistakes, it's human nature to keep thinking about what went wrong and how it could have been better. But what's the point in that really? When we make a spelling mistake in an essay, do we cry for days over it? Do we wonder how it could have been avoided? Chances are, the answer is no. We just pause long enough to see what needs to be fixed, cross out the word and replace it with another one. Simple.

Time doesn't stop for disaster. Just because you lose someone in your life, doesn't mean that everyone in the world will stop for your grieving. In fact, it is more likely that people somewhere else in the world will be celebrating a new birth. It's the harsh reality of the world. Crying for days isn't going to help you.

Don't cry over spilt milk, is something that we hear all the time. Why? Because it totally makes sense. Isn't it more practical to grab a cloth and wipe up the mess before it damages your mother's floor any more? That's how we have to deal with messy situations. Do your best to clean it all up before it has a chance to spread and become worse.

You'll never be able to erase the mistakes that you have made in your life. So dwelling upon them will only make you more miserable. You can't take back the words that you said and you definitely cannot undo the things you have done. That's why it's so important to keep pushing yourself forward.

If given the chance to change anything that has happened in my past, I would flat out refuse. My past makes my future. I wouldn't be the person I am today without my past. All the fights and losses have made me stronger than I could have ever imagined. To those who think I am naturally like this, you are VERY wrong.

We can't just throw away chapters in our lives. See, if we did that, how would we explain the missing parts of the puzzle? We can't. All things we have gone through complete the story. No matter how happy or sad. They are essential to understand the whole thing.

Liquid paper you say? Yeah, that covers up for a while, but have you noticed that after a few years, it fades away and reveals what was under it? You simply can't make it go away. It's over and done with. Move on.

Right. So the point of this entry was to remind you that dwelling on mistakes is pointless and we should all keep moving forward. Put the past behind you. You aren't gonna get a new page to write on. Make the most of what you already have.



Tyron Mesario said...

Hey! :) I've just read this article and it is really moving. :) Bravo for this! :)

Unknown said...

hi im diyan...this article was great