Friday 14 September 2007

Inverse snobbery makes me sick.

Some of you already know what I'm talking about when I say this. We all agree. Inverse snobbery is quite disgusting. Yet we still see it. Why? I have absolutely no idea. It's like they wanna look bad, but feel good about it. Riiight. Makes sense to me.

Yeah, yeah, everyone has done it...blah blah blah. YES. I get it. I agree. BUTT. *ahem* I mean BUT: There are those who do it and don't stop. It's part of their person. If you know you do it, which means you are consciously making yourself look bad and then get fuzzy with pride inside,
I suggest you reevaluate for the sake of the poor souls around you. It's not really fun for them. I know it's not fun for me.

So i think everyone gets the moral of my little rant here:


I'm kidding. Be proud of your achievements, tell people about them, and don't belittle yourself to get people to say nice things about you. Don't brag either. Or I shall take the liberty of deflating your ego for you.
*ahem* Some of you have had the misfortune to have learned it the hard way already. :)

1 comment:

feefaafohumm said...

i have no idea what inverse snobbery means. just the word inverse reminds me of physics. eeehhh