Monday, 30 June 2008

I am WOMAN. Hear me ROAR.

Hey guys, sorry for the mini break I took. I had stuff to do. :) But I'm back now.


Here we go:

Okay, I need you to read the icon, absorb it and only then, continue. Take time to read between the lines.

The icon basically is a reminder to girls that they are valuable. That they should treasure themselves. I guess you could also see it as a reminder for guys, that girls worth having are the ones that have to be chased.

A perfect example of how this plays out is how guys tend to spring for the girls that make it easy for them. Why? Because it's effortless. Guys who do this often find confident girls intimidating. They don't feel like they have the upper hand anymore.

The world sends us messages that sometimes destroy us. It has rules on what makes someone 'pretty' or what makes someone 'handsome'. It sets these rules that make average sized people 'fat'. It puts all this emphasis on being physically attractive. Like it's the only thing important in life.

I find that girls that go out with countless guys have very low self esteem. It may not show when you look at them, and talk to them, but if you think about it, I think you'll be able to see what I'm saying. Girls that date a lot are looking for some form of validation. They want to feel like someone wants to be with them, or at least wants them. They may want to feel accepted, safe, or even protected and that is fine. But dating as many guys as you can isn't the best way to go about it.

Let's use this example:

I have two boxes. One is made to be aesthetically pleasing, and the other is to hold fragile valuables. Now, the box for valuables is by no means ugly. It isn't. The maker just paid more attention to making it suitable for it's job than to attract attention.

The other box on the other hand is solely made to be a decoration. Made of glass, it is always noticed, and examined. It is kept clean, and always sparkles.

The boxes are kept on the same shelf, positioned next to each other. But because one is more colourful than the other, the little chest is often ignored or only given a once over. Few even consider the fact that there could be valuables in there. Most of them are drawn to the other box.

Because I am clumsy, I accidentally run into the shelf. It shakes and both boxes are thrown onto the floor. The pretty box shatters, but the other box stays intact. In fact, there is only a shallow dent on the surface. To make sure that my boo boo didn't do too much harm, I open the box.

I see the antique china that my grandmother gave me and breathe a sigh of relief.

I smile, and put the box back on the shelf.

Then, I grab a broom and sweep up the remains of the other box. I pick up the little bits of paper I kept inside of it and pocket them.

The last thing I do is cycle over to the nearest mall and pick up another box that is just as, if not more, attractive than the old one.


The boxes represent two people with different values. The pretty box didn't serve much of a purpose. The practical box, however, did exactly what it was made to do. Boxes are meant to contain things. That's what the hollow space inside of one is for.

My bumping into the shelf represents a problem in life. The pretty box couldn't take the intensity, and as it hit the ground, it broke. It shattered to a million pieces, and what did I do? I swept it into a bin, and replaced it. Simple as that.

On the other hand, the practical box was placed back onto the shelf because it could withstand the impact and wasn't badly affected by it.

Naturally most people would want the pretty box over the practical one. That would be unless they wanted a box to hold something important.

In the analogy I placed the boxes next to each other on the shelf to show you a comparison. To show how silly it is to have box as good as empty on a shelf when you need a box to hold something of value. Because the pretty box was breakable, there wasn't anything important in it. I knew that if it broke, it's contents would be damaged.

Now think about it.

Do you wanna be the pretty box? Do you really want to face a problem in life, shatter, and be remembered by a scrap of paper serving as a reminder to wash the dog? Do you want to be thrown away without the bat of an eye and replaced?

Or do you want to be valued as much as your contents? To know you served your purpose and be recognised for it?

You give yourself your own value. No one else has that ability. YOU choose your price.

You can make yourself 'easy'. But you also have the capability of becoming someone who can fall time and time again only to pick yourself up and say 'I'm okay.' Which will you choose?

Why are gems valuable? Because their hard to find. They are rare.

What makes you different than everyone else? What sets you apart?

There are millions upon millions of beautiful people in the world. You have to be someone in order to stand out. Outer beauty only lasts so long. Once it's gone, ask yourself, what are you gonna be left with?

You have been blessed with the gift of life.

Make something of it.


Girls, you don't have to be affected by remarks other people make regarding appearance. If you are confident and self-assured, they bounce right off. It doesn't even affect you. Don't give into the demands of the world. Swim against the current.


Thanks for getting all the way here. This post took AGES to write. I'm suffering from a severe case of writer's block.


Comments and opinions to the tagbox please. I'd happily re-address this issue if you feel I should tackle another angle of it. Just say the word.



Thursday, 19 June 2008

Attention all Ladies

Guys, feel free to go ahead and continue reading. I just felt that it would be more beneficial to the women to hear what I have to say.

And without further ado, I present you my blog post. :)


Take a good look at this, and think about it for a moment:

Okay. So, you may be thinking, 'DUH, everyone knows that.'. But then, why is it that we always hear girls complaining about their weight, looks or just themselves in general. Some don't have confidence, which would just serve to make them miserable as time goes by.

Seriously, is this the life you want?

A life full of hesitation and thoughts of not adding up to enough?

Of course you say 'no', but what are you going to do about it? You can't just sit there and expect things to happen. You have to take all this in and use it to your advantage.

Let's break down the icon to it's simple, yet precious reminder. Real girls - as in every single female being on this planet - are not perfect. That's right. NOBODY is perfect. You just can't be perfect. It's impossible. Like slamming revolving doors.

Some may project the illusion that they are perfect. They may be attractive, sought after, have families and get good grades, but it's key to remember that they aren't perfect. There are things about them that you may never find out. You haven't been inside their head or experienced a day in their lives. What you think is not what may be true. They could have MANY problems that you just aren't aware of.

Perfect girls aren't real.

Thank. God.

'Why?' you may ask. 'Why can't we be perfect? Wouldn't it be better?'


Imagine if we were all made perfect. Everybody would look the same, we would all think the same and we'd basically all be the same. Then what's the point? What's the point of being alive when you can't live your own life? We'd all be living one collective, boring, but perfect life.


No thanks.

We are all unique. I know that you probably hear that a whole lot, but that's only because it's true. Don't believe me? Well, find me someone who walks, talks, thinks, looks, and lives life EXACTLY like you. Only THEN will I take back the statement.

All of us were given our talents, our families and our situations for a reason. You were made the way you are for a REASON. It is in our imperfections that our true selves lie. It is important to recognise that.

Beauty lies in imperfection.

I have always said that, and will keep saying it. Why? Because of the meaning it carries. Your strength can never be tested if you are not put through trials. How do you know how much you can handle without having to handle it first? You'll never know if you can do a hundred push ups if you don't actually attempt to do them.

You wouldn't be the person you are today if you weren't faced with problems, if you didn't have to go through rough patches or if you were perfect.

So you have to make the choice now. You have to decide if you want to continue wishing your life was perfect, or if you want to embrace it as it is. Someone who is blessed with all the material things is the world can still live a life less fulfilling than someone who has to slave away for hours in order to put some scraps on the table.

It all depends on what you choose to do with what is given to you.

Girls, you have to remember that there is no way that you are ever gonna be perfect (by world standards). As appealing as it may sound or appear, there is no possible way to achieve it. You have to accept the fact and move on.

Instead of looking for perfection, look for yourself. Find yourself and own it. Be confident. Be willing to stand up and say, "This is who I am."

Stay true to yourself, and you will be able to take whatever is thrown at you.

Forget about trying to attract someone. You don't need to please them.

Please YOURSELF first, and it'll all fall into place.


Leave your thoughts in the tag box.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Scared? Good.

Right, so Ameli asked this question:

"Just asking, how would you define living your life to the fullest?"

Good question. :) I apologise for not addressing that in the last post. It seems the most obvious thing that anyone would ask. Forgive me. :)

Everyone you ask will have a different definition for a life lived to the fullest. So the best I can offer you is my own definition. For me, a life well lived is one packed with experience. Bursting at the seams with obstacles, mistakes and lessons learned.

Some people look for stability in their lives and their jobs. That doesn't mean that you can't still pack your life with experience right? You can still find activities that will enrich you as a person and round you off better. There isn't really a set of rules to follow.

How? You may ask. I suppose a simple way to do this is to aim to do something you are afraid of everyday. Something big, something small, doesn't really matter. I'm sure you know the sense of satisfaction that you get from accomplishing something that you were, at first, terrified to do. Can you imagine how it would feel if you experienced that everyday?

Opportunities are given to you for you to take.

What are you waiting for?

See, fact of the matter is, you shouldn't have to live in fear. A life lived in fear is one that can be considered half lived. How can you claim to have lived a full life if you have been hiding from things your whole life?

Dance like nobody's watching
Love like you've never been hurt
Sing like nobody's listening
Live like it's heaven on earth

-Mark Twain

Mark Twain had it right. Though it may be idealistic, don't you think you could live like he described? Be so free in a world that can make you bitter, angry and resentful? There are some who haven't let the harshness of the world get to them. They can still be completely soft, loving and just happy.

We should all aim to be happy.

That doesn't mean you can go drop out of school and say 'I'm being happy'. Happiness is something we should aim for on top of doing what we can to provide for ourselves. You don't want to have to be living in your parents' house after you're 30. Not because living with your parents is embarrassing, but because you would let them down in showing them that all their hard work was for nothing.

You can't even provide for yourself.

How can you be happy like that?

In a nutshell, you have to decide for yourself what you consider a full life. Then work towards it. No regrets. You make your choices, and after that - live with the consequences whether they be good or bad. There shouldn't be a point where you say 'I wish I didn't...'. It's over. What have you learned?

For me, it's all about experiencing new things and stumbling along the way. Like I said before, most of my biggest lessons were learned from messing it up the first time.

Stay happy and live crazy.

Comments and such in the tagbox please. :)

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Live Now

What are the most memorable moments of your life?

Without you actually telling me, I'm pretty sure I can answer the question for you. The most memorable moments are those of extreme happiness, extreme sadness, extreme pain, extreme embarrassment or any other form of extreme feeling. Of course you remember other things too, but you can't deny the fact that the most vivid memories are those when you were full of emotion.

We, as humans, tend to take ourselves too seriously sometimes. Especially as we grow older. It seems that there is no longer the need to express oneself in the most outrageous ways possible. We become to concerned about saving facec and not looking bad that we forget how to live properly.

Why allow mundane things control our lives?

It is so important for us to embrace the life that was given to us. Sure, sometimes you just want all the feelings to stop. Trust me, I've been there. There have been times when I just wanted to sit alone, and have the world stop for a while. Stop so I could find some air to breathe.

But even though I felt like I couldn't, I was still breathing. I was still living.

We only get one life. One chance. You either make the most of what you got right now, or you let it slip by while you complain about it the whole time.

Let's face it, life is short. You either make something of yours now, or have your life make no impact on anyone. When you live crazy, you live like there is no tomorrow. You live like today is the last day you'll be alive, like you'll stop breathing the next second. It is so important to love the life given to you.

Recently, the Relay For Life took place here in KL. That's right, Relay For LIFE. It's kinda like a protest against cancer. A strike if you will. Basically, we're saying 'You can't push us around anymore, we want change!'. When you attend and watch the survivors walk, you'll know what I mean.

As terrible as cancer is, it cannot kill the spirit. It cannot kill the resilience that burns so fiercely in some. If you live life crazy, you leave behind your inhibitions. You forget what others may think of you and you do things as you would prefer.

When you live life crazy, you stand out from the crowd. You show everyone how and why you are different. Why you choose to be more outrageous.

Truth is, life is too precious to go to waste.

You know how your parents told you not to waste food when you were younger? Think of life like your dinner. Eat every single scrap and drink every drop from the cup.

Oh, and while you're at it, you might as well lick your plate clean. :)

Comments and such can be left in the tagbox.

Thanks for reading!